Location: Founders Hall, Room 9130
Walk-in hours: Monday-Friday, 0730 to 1630hrs.
(Hours subject to change depending on staffing. It is always best to call ahead to make an appointment.)
Tracy F. Heap, Director of Veterans Services
heap@klamathcc.edu 541-880-2214
John Appolonio, VA school certifying official
appolonio@klamathcc.edu 541-880-2389
Note: Tracy and John are employed by Klamath Community College and do not work for the VA.
The Veterans Services office assists students in determining their eligibility and application for Veterans Administration educational benefit funding, is responsible for certifying those entitled to VA educational benefits, and also reports to the Department of Veterans Affairs if a student does not remain in compliance with VA rules and regulations for receiving these benefits.
Veterans Services is located in Founders Hall. This space will provide a larger area that will include the following:
- Used textbook lending library,
- Academic advising for veterans and their dependents.
- KCC veterans club advising and SVA (Student Veterans of America),
- Transcript requests,
- Computer access for students,
- A designated area to hold club meetings and/or events,
- Study area with peer tutoring assistance for course work,
- Veteran-related local, state, and national resource information.
The Veterans Center provides a place where KCC student veterans can take a breather, study, get questions answered, or make connections with fellow KCC student veterans.
KCC’s veterans certifying official provides general information on the different types of education benefits available to veterans and their eligible dependents and certifies the student’s enrollment with the Veterans Administration. To apply for Veterans educational benefits go to www.gibill.va.gov. Recipients of VA benefits must maintain satisfactory academic progress toward their educational goal.
Veterans must abide by VA regulations regarding notification of any change in academic program/major, change in course registration and course withdrawals. Transfer credits from all other institutions must be submitted for evaluation. The links to request The Joint Service Transcripts and CCAF transcripts are located on this page. Failure to notify the Veterans Administration may result in a loss of benefits. Call our Veterans Services office at 541-880-2214 for more information. For information regarding benefits and/or payment problems, please call the Portland regional office at 1-800-827-1000
Eligibility Requirements:Students may establish eligibility for full-time veterans benefits by taking 12 or more credits, three-quarter time benefits with 9 to 11 credits, or half-time benefits with 6 to 8 credits. If the student attends less than half-time, only tuition benefits are available. Students taking GED or high school equivalency courses must attend class 18 or more hours per week to be considered full-time. If students are veterans or other military personnel, they should check with Student Services regarding procedures for acceptance of military credits. Students must provide documents verifying prior education and military service. Eligibility for benefits and monthly payments are processed by the Veterans Administration Educational Office in Muskogee, OK.
After certification by the college, VA students must:- Maintain satisfactory academic progress;
- Enroll only in courses that are part of the certified program. Enrollment in classes outside the certified program will make the student liable for overpayments from the VA;
- Complete at least the minimum hours for which they are certified. Overpayments will occur if they enroll in, but do not complete, the credits for which they were certified;
- Inform the VA office immediately of changes in schedule, address or dependents, as it takes up to six weeks to process the changes.